Hot Babe of the
Week is courtesy of yours truly this week. I took these just the
other day while we were in Washington DC visiting family for the
holidays. These are UH-1N's from the 1st Helicopter Squadron at
Andrews AFB.
Well 2011 is here; can you believe it? Every
year it seems like the year goes by so quickly but for some reaason
this year seemed faster than previous years. Now that winter is
here, I can't wait for Spring to come around so we can get back to
BBQ-ing over here!
All of us have New Years resolutions and I
have a few from Twobobs that I'll share with you guys that I'll try
my level best to stick to this coming year!
Get back to our
regular release schedule: I was tied up with a very long proposal
effort at the end of 2010 and I wasn't able to generate as much
product as we normally do. Being out of town for 60 days straight
doesn't help when it comes to generating artwork. Back on the wagon
now and I have some products that need to get done here quick!
KC-135, more FMS Vipers and of course all the great Navy Centennial
schemes that are done/being done now.
Work more closely with
kit manufacturers: We came out with our first kit last year and it
sold out extremely quickly. It was a great experience for us and
there were many lessons learned by us throughout the entire process
with the main one being the amount of effort and logistics involved
in producing a model kit. If your company and it's processes aren't
set up for it, it's not an easy thing to do. That being said, we'll
be focusing our efforts in assisting and working with main kit
manufacturers with their kit releases. We have a couple of projects
already in the works that I can't speak to that will have a Twobobs
"flavor" to it if you will. You'll see these in 2011.
Products (not decals): 2011 will be the year that you'll see a
couple of products that are hobby related but not decals coming from
our company. I can't speak to these in an open forum here but look
for some exciting "things that make you go hmmm" coming out this
year with our logo on it! Keep doing what works: Top notch customer
service, accurate and colorful markings, affordable pricing that
offers the best value to the customer. We'll keep proving and
improving on all of the qualities of our business that you've all
grown to expect from our company.
Thanks for a great 2010 to
all of you. It's been a tough year for all of us due to the economy
and other factors but I hope all of you can look at 2011 with as
much promise as we do!