Hot Babe of the
Week from the sunny confines of the Mojave Airport this time. I
photographed this jet years ago at Edwards AFB when TPS was flying
it around and was lucky to see it again a couple of weeks ago at the
National Test Pilot School in Mojave. Got pics to share. Maybe
someday it'll be a subject of a Twobobs sheet. I sure have plenty of
nose art subjects from ED that have never seen the light of day that
I can do; maybe this one will be a pile-on for a sheet somewhere
down the line.
2010 is here and I hope that everyone is doing
as well or better than yesterday. It's been a tough year for all of
us I'm sure and Teri and I consider ourselves to be pretty blessed
and lucky to be in the position that we're in. Got a son getting
married this year to an absolutely great gal; we both have our
health and each other and our careers are doing fine. Great family
and good friends round it all out and it can only go up from here
for all of us. Here's to a better 2010!!

Ten years
ago in 2000, my old business partner and I hatched this grand idea
to make some decals and a custom ARIA model as a retirement gift for
our boss and good friend Tom McAndrews. Tom was our Chief of
Stan-Eval and is one of my best friends in life. When I was in the
AF, there were two guys that influenced me the most and that I
considered my greatest mentors; Tom and a great guy by the name of
Sherlock Carter. I was a young buck Airman with a 20lb technical
brain but stupid in so many other ways and these guys took me and
carried me through those years. I owe them both a lot and building a
model for Tom was the least I could do for what he did for me as a
friend and mentor.
This model and the Alps decals were what
started Twobobs and ten years later, we have a kit coming out.
Pretty incredible and doing this without Teri helping would simply
not have happened. The reason I can concentrate on research and
artwork is because of her. The business has grown into having its
own identity if you will and without Teri doing the heavy lifting as
far as the financials, order filling and shipping, it would simply
be impossible for me to do what I do. We all owe Teri a
I'm getting a little nostalgic I know as a lot of us do
every New Years but looking back on this, I kinda find it hard to
believe what the last 10 years have been like for us. 345 Twobobs
sheets, 4 IPMS Nationals Convention sheets, one kit decal, one
international magazine decal and now a kit release. Funny how all
these dots connect back to Tom McAndrews retiring.
We hope
all of you have a great 2010. Things can only get better
OK so what's going on with the kit? You all will be
happy to hear that our kits showed up at LAX on 22 December and will
be delivered to us here at Twobobs this week! We will be feverishly
boxing these up and having them start rolling out the door by the
end of the week! Finally!!! Kits!!!!