Hot Babe of the
Week is courtesy of Jose "Fuji" Ramos. These were taken quite a
while back and are the subject of a previously released sheet by us.
Thanks Fuji!
Been a busy week around here at Twobobs with all
the kit packaging/shipping that has been going on. We've also been
hit pretty hard with ordrs for our new decal releases for this last
month. Thanks for your patience with us while we get unburied from
all this. We're working pretty hard to get ahead of this bow
The Buckeye kit has sold extremely well overseas and we
just received word that our Japanese distributor has sold out of
their initial shipment in only two days! Amazing! We'll be packaging
up their reorder and get that out to them ASAP.
A reminder to
all of our overseas customers; European customers can get their kits
from Hannants UK or any of the hobby shops they service. Asian
customers can get their kits from Beaver Corporation or any of the
hobby shops they service. These two companies our exclusive
distributors overseas and your kit can be secured through them.
US/Canadian/Mexican customers can order their kit directly through