updates to CONA decal sheet images below guys. This week we have
instruction sheets artwork for the "Easter Egg" Centennial schemes
from VX-9. Very colorful and attractive jets! I also have some
updated news on the VFA-204/VX-31 sheet, scroll down below to get
the latest gouge!
The VFA-106 scheme has enough markings for
both complete jets. I went ahead and printed the CoNA logo as well
as the nose art on this guy using a 4-color process so I could get
the colors "just so". There are subtle differences between the
official logo, the external tank logo and the fuselage logo as they
appear on the jet and I've captured those.

VAQ-129 sheet also has enough stencils for both jets. The Prowler
has a little something "extra" going on in that we've provided you
with rudder markings that fit both the Monogram kit and the newer
Kinetic kit. External tank markings are also included on this sheet.
The white markings on this sheet are "double-layered" so you won't
have any opacity or bleed through problems when you put this decal
against a dark background.

I went ahead and did the white stripes on this guy after much
consternation on whether to have the modeler paint the tail white
and provide blue decals or provide white decals to go over the blue
tail. Went ahead and took this route since I wasn't convinced that
the blue stripes could be color matches accurately enough to the
fuselage paint color. The white decals are double-layered with white
so you won't have any problems with opacity. For you guys that opt
to paint the white/blue tail stripes yourself, I've provided a blue
"10" serial for the tail.<<br>

below. In addition to the Centennial jets from both squadrons, I've
included an A-4C from "back in the day" that was the motivating
scheme for the Centennial scheme that VX-31 painted on their Hornet.
The VFA-204 jet has tons of stencils on it, external fuel tank
markings and as usual, the white is double-layered for maximum
opacity with no bleed thru.
I'm conflicted on the release of
this jet since I'm aware of three changes that are to be completed
on these jet's schemes. I'll probably end up holding short on this
one until those changes get incorporated. While I know what these
changes are, I want to be able to see "the real deal" before I
finalize the artwork. The changes are minor in nature but in the
name of accuracy, I think it's best to wait. I'd like your feedback
on this one guys; whatcha think?

"Easter Egg" Super Hornets. Full set of stencils for both jets are
on this sheet and both intake and exhaust markings are also included
for both jets!

stated in previous newsletters, all of our CoNA sheets will include
a 3" pressure sensitive sticker in each package. Use these for your
display base or plaster that guy on your mini-fridge in your

Makos, Snakes and Dragons and the F-4 Data Stencil sheet are also
coming soon. Not sure which one's will show up here first but
they're all out the door in the print qeue!

Just got a couple of minor things to tweak on the VX-31 sheet and
these Centennial sheets in 48th scale are done. Now on to the 72nd
and 32nd scale sheets!!