Hot Babe of the
Week is courtesy of Jeff Stoermer and myself. These are A-4N
aircraft that used to fly for ATSI in Arizona and now fly in Germany
providing tow target and ground control intercept trainin for the
German Air Force.
After a week of blech weather, today was a
gorgeous day here in SoCal. Teri and I spent the day down in
Pasadena to enjoy sunny, 81 degree weather and had some great
Mexican food and margaritas out in the fresh air. Doesn't get any
better than that! Man I love it when Spring/Summer starts rolling
So the biggest news this week is that all of the 1/48th
CoNA sheets have arrived and we're getting oh so close to getting
those shipped out to you. The F-16 Makos sheet as well as the F/A-18
VFA-86 sheet are also here. All we're waiting on is for the
instruction sheets to show up (next week) and then we'll start
packaging these up to get em out of here! Thanks for your patience
guys. Looking at the sheets, Microscale has done another super job
on this print run. Absolutely fantastic work!!

Teri and I were filling orders this week, we realized that once
again, we are very close to selling out of our missile markings
sheets in both 48th and 32nd. I can't even keep track of how many
times we have reprinted these over the last few years but we've
easily sold over 5,000 of these in the various scales. These are the
only sheets we have that we regularly reprint and we've decided over
here to mark those down now and forever-more. Starting this evening,
we're going to sell these for $10.00 each and as long as they keep
selling, we'll keep printing them! Thanks very much for your
patronage. The least we can do to give back a little to all of you
that have been and continue to be regular Twobobs
48-086, 48-095, 48-172, 32-027, 32-028, 32-049
will all be marked down to $10.00 as their permanent price this