Wow!! What
a weekend over here. Packing and shipping like crazy and we're out
in front of this Arctic Bandit release, for now.
I posted
this earlier on ARC since you guys have been having problems with
the website this weekend.
OK so here's the dealio as best as
I can explain.
Basically, you guys hit the site so hard that
it made burp. When you place an order with us, there's
all kinds of bits and bytes that go between our site and our card
processing merchant. Your card information goes to and
they process it through their encrypted channels, blah blah blah..
We were slammed so hard on Saturday and today that there
were some "issues" with the sheer volume that our sites could handle
simultaneously. Just to put this in perspective, our website hosting
as well as are VERY robust. Not like we have our site
hosted on some 2nd hand laptop over here running Windows XP or
something. This truly is a freak occurence that we never thought
would ever happen given how mature the internet is nowadays. If you
had some problems with your order placing whether it was a declined
card or the site just hanging up after you entered your order
information, this is probably what the culprit was. You might try to
give it a shot again. We've noticed some of you have over here and
your order went through the second/third time.
So there you
go guys, I didn't want to believe it myself but when I went and
looked at our website stats for yesterday, there it was. Amazing...
Just FYI, about half of the 48th scale Arctic Bandit sheets
are gone and we haven't filled a single distributor order yet. We
printed 1K of these so in the last two days, we've gone through ~
500. Hear me now, believe me now, stock # 48-158 will most likely
end up in the "Sold Out" section of our website here pretty shortly.
The 72nd/32nd scale sheets aren't far behind as far as % sold. We
printed 500 each of those.
Not putting the hard-sell
on you guys, it is what it is and the website is getting slammed.
Get em while you can because they will not be around much longer.
New Hot Babe of the Week is up. VFA-27 Royal Mace CAG from
2000. I honestly can't remember who sent me these photos so I'm
claiming the copyright claim just to protect them. Someone slap me
on the back of the neck over here and let me know if you're the
owner! I'll change it and give you credit straight away!