It's been a few
weeks since the IPMS National Convention and we're barely getting
back into the swing of things over here at Twobobs. Our regular day
jobs have taken up more time than usual but things are slowing down
a little so we're working hard to get back on top.
New Hot Babe is up and it's a gorgeous one. Courtesy of Andreas
Zeitler and K Hoevel. Andreas is a great photographer and a regular
contributor to the reference vault here at Twobobs. Thanks very much

gotten lots of E-mails after the convention asking about the kit
status. I totally understand your excitement and I'm right there
with you! Kits should be in hand by the end of this month and
they'll be shipping out as soon as they come in! Not much longer
The biggest news this week is that we've totally
revamped the website. For the last nine years we've been running the
same version of shopping cart software and it was getting long in
the tooth. A few of our customers on Mac's were having problems with
the site and to further exacerbate the situation, we learned that
our older version of software was not compatible with the latest
version of Internet Explorer. Definitely time for a change. You
folks shouldn't have any problems going forward. Navigation is
pretty much the same, just a newer updated look and smoother
operation. I'm still "polishing the BB" when it comes to the site.
There will be some other features added in the coming weeks as I
find time.
One thing we did was take your suggestions and put
the front instruction sheet image as the main product image. You get
a better first impression of what the atual product is without
having to go through multiple button clicks. Thanks for the
suggestion; I have to agree, it does look better that way.