New Hot Babe of
the Week is up. The Edwards AFB Airshow was this weekend and I was
able to snap a few photos of a GBU-39 Small Diameter Bomb. Right
Click, Enjoy!
I was unable to send a newsletter out for a
couple of weeks due to my day job travel schedule; apologies for
that. I'm also behind in my E-mail and will catch up with all of our
Twobobs correspondence tomorrow night. Thanks for your patience
These last two weeks have been unique for us here for
another reason since Teri was also out of town visiting our son in
Washington DC. As most of you know, Teri is the one that's
responsible for our great customer service and filling of orders.
Since she was gone, we were delayed in getting shipments out for
about the last 10 days. I've totally caught up with all of our
orders and they have all been shipped as of this last Friday. Thanks
for your patience.

countdown continues on the Buckeye kit release. End of October is
our now firm release date. Information will be disseminated as soon
as we have it here at Twobobs.