Hot Babe of the
Week is courtesy of Mike Long. Mike helped us out quite a bit on the
OH ANG Viper sheet we did a while back. Wouldn't have happened
without his help. Thanks a bunch Mike!
Sorry for the late
newsletter this week. I spent yesterday dealing with a burp that my
laptop had to go through. Went ahead and downloaded and installed
Windows 7 and all is right with the world again.
With my
laptop problems solved, I was able to implement a suggestion that
some of you have given me in regards to the website. I've moved the
Sold Out Items to their own section by scale so you guys won't have
to scroll and scroll and scroll to get to the items that are still
available. Thanks for the suggestion! Hope this little change makes
your shopping experience more enjoyable!
We've spent some
time condensing our stock room once again and bought ourselves some
more room for our next round of releases. Those will be here
I get E-mails like the following all the time but never
take the time to communicate these to you guys. Something just
doesn't feel right whenever I send anything out that says "Hey look
at me! Look at the cool stuff I did!" Blame it on my modest
upbringing. That being said I have to share this one with you
because of the folks involved.
Back when I was still in the
AF and just barely starting this whole "Twobobs" thing, one of the
guys I flew with "W", asked me to build a model of his uncle's B-17
from WWII. W's uncle's name was Leonard Spivey and he was a tail
gunner in this plane. He got out of the plane but was captured and
held in a POW camp for about three years if I remember correctly.
This was back in 2001 when I did the custom markings and built this
model. It's at the museum in McClellan now, great guys these two and
the funnest part like all of you can attest to is doing all the
research to get the story behind the model. Hero's all of
E-mail from "W"
Well your model
finally made it to the McClellan (sp?) Museum in Sacramento, CA. The
guy on the Left is my Uncle Roland Sabourin, flew 33 missions over
Germany as B-24 pilot and Co-Pilot. The guy on the right is Leonard
Spivey (Navigator) on my uncle gene’s flight. One of the five who
got out and were POWs throughout Germany.
I went to my
uncle’s 90th Birthday Party in May. He is still very mobile and
bright however, obviously forgot who built the model. Although it
has been over 10 years since I gave it to him. I think you guys made
it in 98’ or 99’?
Bobby I think you might have spoken to
Leonard during your research, I know I gave you a mess of stuff that
he sent me, like pictures of the B-7F with the one digit less
Thanks again, Leonard says it is an exact replica…NICE
E-mail from Roland who is related as
These photos were taken the day that Leonard gave a
talk to our volunteer group. His subject was about his bailout,
subsequent capture and a few moments of prison life.The B-17 model
is the exact replica of Gene's airplane that was built by Wayne and
his Sqdn friends at Edwards AFB Ca. The model now has a home in the
These photos were taken the day that Leonard gave a
talk to our volunteer group. His subject was about his bailout,
subsequent capture and a few moments of prison life.The B-17 model
is the exact replica of Gene's airplane that was built by Wayne and
his Sqdn friends at Edwards AFB Ca. The model now has a home in the
The plexiglass cover was removed for photoing. The
poster board in the background is a blow-up of page IV of the
preface to the book 'Mission 85.' In discussing the essay by Dwight
Curo and the poem by Russell Chester, it was generally agreed that
both of these tomes caught the essence of combat
Here's some
